
Writing through a pandemic- creativity in freefall

Writing through a pandemic- creativity in freefall

Over the pandemic, I have been thinking of the routines and hobbies I want to pour my time, love and attention into. There is always a long list of things that I do not have time to do and now is the time for me to reevaluate this list and see what really sings to me.

This is the time I have to dedicate to both activism and writing. I now what to spend more time blogging, writing and pursuing activism.

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Corona Virus Update- only virtual services available until further notice

Corona Virus Update- only virtual services available until further notice

Corona virus has left thousands dead and countless others sick and many of the rest of the world in lock down.

At this time, due to my duty of care to both myself and to you, I will not be conducting in person sessions.

I have for some time been offering virtual sessions, Facetime, Skype, phone calls, text based services and have added a few options for these on my online booking page. So

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